Chris Honeycutt
Pastor | Trainer | Coach
Hard Work Pays Off
Growth only comes from the inside-out! The coaching and training that I provide aims to build quality leaders and reinforce a healthy culture.
The process starts at taking a look at your organization's everyday operations and work environment. It validates the good you and your team are doing, weed-out bad habits, and help put into place healthy processes going forward.
They say, "You don't market a bad product!" So, once the heavy lifting of internal development is squared away, my team will make you look good with top-notch video, photo, web and graphic design services. We can also come alongside you in identifying best approaches and determining your target audience.
Chris is a Maxwell Leadership Team certified coach, teacher, and speaker, incorporating John Maxwell's time-tested leadership principles into all of his workshops and coaching sessions.
Chris Honeycutt serves as the Lead Pastor of Forward Church in Myrtle Beach, SC. He is a certified speaker, leadership trainer, and coach with the Maxwell Leadership Team.
He is passionate about inspiring others to become an effective influence to those around them. He strives to be a "servant leader", doing the unheralded task of working behind the scenes on various projects. He’s always strived to surround himself with the most talented team possible, identifying those with other passions and talents than his own.
Featured speaker at local events, youth crusades, church revivals, annual conferences, prayer rallies, and civic groups
Certified speaker/trainer/coach with the Maxwell Leadership Team
Graduated from Southeastern University in Lakeland, FL in 2005 with a Bachelors of Science degree in Church Ministries.
20 years in full-time ministry, eight of those as a Lead Pastor of church plants
13 years of experience in social media marketing and content management for churches, non-profit organizations, a software company, and several civic groups
Chris resides in Myrtle Beach, SC with his wife, Heather and son, Nelson.